@KTzone » 消閒 - 會員交友 » need some frds, anyone...?

2008-3-28 23:30 hikaru
halo everyone
this is Justin/ Wing
by the way i live in Canada
coming back to HK in April
wanna meet some frds to hang out with
since i dont have much frds left in HK...
shopping, arcade, movies... wutever... etc...
if u are interested feel free to leave your MSN or add me
welcome all boys or girls :hand2:
MSN and pics in my proflie
looking forward to talk/ see any of u =)
P.S. I dont know to type chinese... English only
     but u can type in chinese i can read :haha2:

2008-4-1 13:46 Kittie
nice 2 meet u!

2008-4-2 17:31 hikaru
boring no frds in HK
just walk around and shopping everyday...
lets chat =)

2008-4-2 22:03 Kittie
well...i'd like to go shoppin' everyday...
window-shoppin' is just fine!
however...i hv no time to do so...

2008-4-3 11:26 sky2007boy
wonderful~~ add me as soon as you can msn:[email protected]

2008-4-3 12:37 yung_wallace
add my msn la i am usa right now may come back later but i feel you bro i have no friends in HK too = =

2008-4-3 12:38 yung_wallace
my msn is [email][email protected][/email]

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