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2008-1-11 03:49 黑色幽默~仔仔
個城市做器材工程令到四周環境都空氣污染啦 人們到不想出街 因為佢地知道這樣會不健康的 .....英文點講

2008-8-15 18:28 lalama0205
A city to do the work equipment, air pollution in the surrounding environment, people are not willing to take to the streets, because they know that unhealthy   (差唔多...)

2008-12-31 00:01 goodboykiss23
A city makes the equipment project to cause all around the environment air pollution people to not to want to go to town, because 佢 knew that like this does not meet the ill health

2009-4-21 22:26 PietaCCH
A equipment project is carry in this city which causes air pollution to the surroundings. Citzens are not willing to walk on the streets since they knew it's unhealthy .

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