2016-8-20 06:09 eros10
Hyperburner v1





[quote][b]Hyperburner is a high-speed space flier set in a distant colonial solar system. Take your ship through increasingly dangerous courses, unlocking endless-mode leaderboards as you go. Built for mobile with smooth and responsive free-steering, playable in portrait or landscape.

Hyperburner is only compatible with newer devices. 2GB RAM minimum is recommended.

    Fast-paced gameplay, instant respawns.
    Master six unique zones each with five challenging stages.
    Test your skills against a list of high-speed endless-mode goals.
    Unlock better ships as you progress.


[b]Requirements : Android 4.2+
Size :  43 mb[/b]


[url]http://goo gl/pTdSlV[/url]

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