@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » [Android Game]- Shu's Garden

2014-7-3 14:25 LiLily_Li
[Android Game]- Shu's Garden



A Game by Colin Sanders & Jason RT Bond
Grow your own garden playground with Shu, a bouncy alien who nourishes the soil wherever she rolls. Shu can shrink really small then release her energy and jump high into the air. Plant blossoms stick to her and she can shake them off in new locations to plant the seeds. Plants grow as the days pass, but remember that plants need nutrition to stay healthy and grow tall.
Little ones will enjoy exploring and playing on this mysterious planet while learning to care for their own garden. Children will see how plants need nutrition to grow and stay healthy, how mature plants produce seeds and how planting those seeds in new locations grows new plants.
The game has no explicit goals, and instead the player’s imagination is the engine behind the gameplay. Children will come to understand that a garden is a personal space free to craft as they please according to their own notions of order and beauty. And of course, there’s always the joy of rolling and bouncing!
So sit back and enjoy the sights and sounds of Shu’s Garden. You may even find you want to squeeze in some play time for yourself.



[b][color=Blue]Google Play Store 連結 (免費)[/color][/b]

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