@KTzone » 消閒 - 不解之謎 » 大眼仔鯊魚

2011-9-29 23:52 靈異王

It is said that the embryo of the 1st large shark until it is brilliant in Mexico and the Cortez sea was taken out from the inside of the body of a mother's shark. This shark is a shark of the kind of a bull shark, and is development in the womb. It is said that the convention of fishing was seemingly held several days ago here, and it came out from the inside of the body of the shark which the man who won a prize of it had fished.

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[[i] 本帖最後由 靈異王 於 2011-9-30 10:31 編輯 [/i]]

2011-9-30 06:56 scsm

2011-9-30 15:33 婉╳婉

2011-10-6 17:19 sinta

2011-11-19 15:52 fscseyou
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2011-11-24 15:28 kpdcom
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2012-10-13 23:13 kurama2008
感謝大大分享 看看好東西 回文就是給BZ一個鼓勵!!

2013-2-14 18:08 1仔

2013-2-15 09:17 t4rt54t6
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