@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Games » [Android 遊戲] Super Dynamite Fishing 超級炸魚 v1.08 去廣告版

2011-7-14 10:19 bunnylai
[Android 遊戲] Super Dynamite Fishing 超級炸魚 v1.08 去廣告版


是一款另類捕魚Android遊戲。 玩家通過重力感應操控方向來模擬現實的炸魚,用子彈和炸藥獲得最高利益。 不過需要注意子彈的數量,並且建議在魚群密集的地方使用,因為水中的魚也不傻,它們會快速的游動,讓你炸不到它們,當然,天上也有鳥兒想要不勞而獲,搶奪 你炸的魚。
動感十足的具有爆炸性餌釣魚的樂趣!抓住最危險的武器,爆破的最大功率並準備好了最瘋狂的釣魚之旅你的生活!幹出來的水,讓沒有魚逃脫!無廣告版(無廣告)!環遊你的船在池塘,河流和海洋充滿了魚鰓呼吸,減輕他們的膽量來賺錢!你的日常支付帳單和節省一些錢,最豪華的船,最危險的武器!體驗重擊出的故事是關於你的夢想的女孩,盡量不要只捕獲的魚,而且熱迷迭香!特點: - 瘋狂用炸藥捕魚的行動 - 打開世界鰓狩獵豐富的品種 - 巨大阿森納和巨大的船隻選擇 - 幾十個魚在海洋,湖泊和河流 - 每日任務和許多的回報 - 瘋狂的故事,更瘋狂的字符 - 瘋癲的成就和野生高分追逐
Super Dynamite Fishing v1.0.8
Requirements: Android OS 2.1+
Overview: Action-packed fishing fun with explosive baits!

Grab the most dangerous weapons with the biggest blasting power and get ready for the craziest fishing trip of your life! Dry out the waters and let no fish escape!
AD-FREE version (no ads)!
Sail around with your boat across ponds, rivers and seas full of fish and relieve the gill breathers of their guts to make a buck! Pay your daily bills and save some money for the most luxurious ships and most dangerous weapons! Experience a whacked-out story about your dream girl and try not to catch only fish but also the hot Rosemary!
- Crazy fishing action with dynamite
- Open world for gill hunting rich in variety
- Huge arsenal and gigantic ships to choose from
- Dozens of fish in the sea, lakes and rivers
- Daily quests and many rewards
- Crazy story with even crazier characters
- Lunatic achievements and wild high score chases
* Xperia PLAY optimized *
What's in this version:
Fixed display issues on high resolution tablets
Updated graphics engine to improve stability
Needs Android 2.1 to run now!
Made some quests easier
Added multi touch support
Other small bug fixes



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[color=#0e774a]來源 : mobilephoneempire[/color]

[[i] 本帖最後由 bunnylai 於 2011-7-14 10:20 編輯 [/i]]

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